It has come to notice that efforts are being made to provide taxi facilities through “Cab Booking Through mobile Application” in various cities of Uttarakhand state by some companies like M/s Ola, Uber Taxi for sure, etc.
It is noteworthy in this regard that the radio taxi scheme or the scheme of booking taxi cabs through the Internet/mobile has yet to be implemented in the state so far. Therefore, in the absence of planning, the service provided by the above companies is illegal and if any vehicle owner plans his vehicle for radio taxi/internet booking / mobile booking in this type of Aggregator company, then it will be contrary to the permit conditions, Because of which action will be taken against the permit, fitness and registration of the concerned vehicle owner. Apart from this, in case of accidents of such vehicles, due to operation against the permit conditions, financial assistance is also payable from the Uttarakhand Accident Relief Fund to the persons affected in the related vehicle accident.
The operation of such vehicles has been banned in the state and all the District Magistrates/Senior Superintendents of Police and Divisional/Assistant Divisional Transport Officers of the state have been instructed to take action against such vehicles. It is also to inform you that regarding the implementation of the scheme for radio taxi/internet booking / mobile booking in the state, their suggestions have been obtained after holding talks with the officials of various transport companies and all aspects such as public safety, driver verification, vehicle tracking After due consideration on, etc., the scheme will be implemented in the state.
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